Photoss supplied by Chris Wagner of Talkforce Media
Carers ACT proudly premiered “Unconditional,” a poignant documentary directed, produced, and written by Dalanglin Dkhar, on Monday, March 25th, 2024, at the Palace Electric Theatre. This insightful film delves deep into the lives of four carers, showcasing their love, sacrifice, and dedication over decades of caring for their loved ones.
Supported by Carers ACT and Charles Sturt University, where Dalanglin is pursuing her PhD, “Unconditional” offers a rare glimpse into the emotional and physical challenges faced by carers. Drawing from her personal experiences as a primary carer for her 13-year-old autistic, non-speaking son, Dalanglin uses her academic research to illuminate the often-invisible community of carers. Through her lens, viewers are invited to witness the journey of carers who navigate the complexities of their roles with unwavering commitment.
“This film is a call to action for our community to recognise, acknowledge, and support the 2.65 million carers across the nation who contribute tirelessly, yet often face isolation, distress, and financial hardship,” remarked Carers ACT CEO Lisa Kelly. “The film Unconditional not only brings awareness to the struggles of carers but also celebrates their profound impact on the lives of those they care for and the rewards of being an unpaid carer.”
In collaboration with the film production studio Newcast, Dalanglin has ensured a high-quality production that captures the essence of the carer’s experience. “Unconditional” highlights the strength and resilience of those who love unconditionally, advocating for a greater understanding and appreciation of carers within our communities.